50 Đánh giá


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Phục vụ

Số điện thoại : 0866633965

Đặt vé nhanh các tuyến đường của xe Quang Nghị

# Tuyến đường Giá vé

Chưa cập nhật tuyến đường

Đánh giá xe Quang Nghị

Điểm đánh giá
4.3 / 5
October 14, 2019
1660 ngày trước
Thái độ phục vụ rất tốt. Nhân viên rất thân thiện. Xe đến đón đúng giờ.
September 09, 2019
1695 ngày trước
We were told that we would be picked up from our place but no one ever came. Tried calling the service lines but either no one answered or they didn't speak English and hung up on us. Walked to the pickup point on the ticket and finally someone spoke English to help us. Someone picked us up in a van and took us to another place where we actually got on the bus for Ha Giang. The bus was very comfortable. Nice reclining chairs with pillows and blankets. However I think something was wrong with the reclining lever because it could only stay in one position. Some chairs were also broken. Driving was not bad but also not for the faint of heart. It's typical Vietnamese driving so if you're not used to it, might be scary. Dropped us off at the place we were staying which was nice.
February 12, 2019
1908 ngày trước
Thời gian khởi hành chậm từ Hà Nội về Hà Giang do đi dọc đường đón khách, xe nhồi nhét trong dịp cận Tết
February 11, 2019
1908 ngày trước
Chất lượng xe chưa tốt, đi xa không trang bị nước uống cho khách
February 11, 2019
1908 ngày trước
Too loud music


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